5 Things I Learnt From These Expert Mumpreneurs

5 Things I Learnt From These Expert Mumpreneurs

On Saturday I hosted our latest Career Club with Mama Hub.

The wonderful panelists Rachel Smylie, Beth Clay, and Victoria Myers left me with bundles of inspiration and ideas to think about. Let me share a few of my key takeaways with you:

1. Investing in a business mentor is one of the best investments you can make - I have never had a business mentor so I would love to hear your suggestions.

2. Find your tribe, they'll be able to support you, offer ideas and experience, but also hold you accountable.

3. Understand that you can't have it all and it's totally ok to choose your priorities and focus on these, even if this means dropping some balls.

4. Plan, execute, review, repeat.

5. Ignore the noise and don't believe all that you see on social media, especially when others are seemingly so much more successful. It's not helpful to you and it's also often not what it seems.

The feedback I have received from the event has been wonderful, especially for normalising having the babies and children there.

Picture below was drawn by Beth's little girl, it made my morning when she handed this to me, and then I found this lovely note whilst packing up 😍

The Careers Club will be back after summer. Get in touch if you would like to be notified of future events or are interested in partnering.

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