How to Wash and Care for Newborn Baby Clothes

How to Wash and Care for Newborn Baby Clothes

Welcoming a newborn into the family is an exciting time, but it also comes with a lot of new responsibilities. One important task is keeping your little one's clothes clean and fresh. Here are some tips on how to wash and care for baby clothes.

Q: Can I use regular detergent for baby clothes?

When it comes to washing baby clothes, opt for a gentle detergent that is free of harsh chemicals and fragrances. This will help prevent any skin irritation on your baby's delicate skin. I personally love Baya products, their laundry sheets replace the detergent and conditioner, you simply add 1, 2 or 3 sheets into the drum with your washing depending on the size of your load.

The reason I choose Baya for my own family is because they do not use any harsh, toxic ingredients, and are eco-friendly. I also found that after trying so many other brands that Baya was the only detergent which made our laundry smell nice in Dubai. However, if you are preparing for a newborn I would recommend using their fragrance-free sheets for the most pure option.

Q: Can I wash baby clothes in the washing machine?

YES (thank goodness)! Many washing machines even come with a 'baby care' cycle. Just ensure you are using an appropriate detergent, temperature and setting.

Q: What is the best way to wash baby clothes?

Separate out the baby clothes from the rest of the laundry to avoid cross-contamination. Choose the appropriate setting on your machine with mild detergent. Avoid using fabric softeners when washing baby clothes as these unnecessary chemicals can be harsh on sensitive skin. This is one reason I opt for Baya products, I don't feel the need to add any other softeners, scent boosters etc.

After washing, air dry the baby clothes instead of using a dryer. The heat from the dryer can damage the delicate fabrics and elastic in the clothes. Hang them up to dry or lay them flat on a towel.

Q: How to get rid of stains on baby clothes?

The best way to get rid of any stains which are still visible after washing is to hang the item to dry in direct sunlight. The power of the sun here in the UAE works miracles, I'm always astonished at how the most stubborn stain can disappear after a bit of sunlight.

Q: Do I need to wash baby clothes before wearing?

While you may not always wash your own clothes before wearing them. It's a good idea to pre-wash newly purchased baby clothing and blankets because they may have been treated with things like flame retardants or have excess dye and chemicals which you will want to ensure is thoroughly removed so it does not irritate your newborns delicate skin. 

Q: How should I store baby clothes?

Once the clothes are clean and dry, make sure to store them properly. Use a clean, dry place to keep the clothes where they will not be at risk of getting mouldy, dirty or dusty, and avoid using scented sachets or mothballs that could irritate your baby's skin.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your newborn's clothes stay fresh, clean, and comfortable for your little one to wear and increase the longevity so that your cute clothes can be passed down.

Check out my favourite laundry brand Baya here. You can use my referral code NEXTOFKIN for 10% off. 

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