Next of Kin Careers Club Dubai Mums

The Careers Club

Join us for our last Careers Club event before summer, in collaboration with Mama Hub.

This event is for you to meet others in a similar position, and to get tips and advice from our expert panel.

Our theme for this event is Entrepreneurship. This event is for you if you are interested in starting your own business, already own a business, or are just a little lost and want a chat with likeminded Mums.

  • Saturday 8th June 2024
  • 9-11am
  • Sandersons, Ripe Market Police Academy, Dubai
  • Free, sign-up required
  • Nannies on hand from Nannies and More

What to expect: arrive between 9-9.30am to mingle and order a coffee or yummy breakfast if you feel like it. Feel free to bring any little ones along, we'll have an indoor play space with nannies-on-hand. Alternatively, leave them with Dad so you can enjoy the morning in peace! We'll begin the panel around 9.40am, sharing advice on how to start a business here in Dubai and our own learnings before taking questions from the audience. We'll leave some time at the end for you to chat and connect with our panelists.

Details about our panelists will be revealed shortly.

Read about our last event here.

Add your details below to sign up, can't wait to see you there!

When I set up Next of Kin after my own struggle trying to return to my previous career after having a baby, I had a lot of comments from Mum's going through their own struggles career-wise. Whether it's anxiety about returning to work, wanting to start their own business, wanting a small side-hustle or wanting to change it up entirely. This is why I dedicated season 2 of the podcast to careers.

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